Year 12 can be tough, but we want you to be able to enjoy the year without the added stresses you put on yourself. The blog is designed for you to work on an activity/focus topic once a week, it should only take you no more than 20 minutes. This blog will help you with maintaining a sense of wellbeing by focussing on your own self management. Use this blog to get in the most productive head space and get organised to make year 12 the best year yet!

Get Organised! Timetabling and Scheduling

“if it isn’t written down, it doesn’t exist”

To make a busy life a successful life we need organisation. Managing stress is about making a plan to be able to cope effectively with daily pressures. Being organised allows you to balance all aspects of your life including personal, study, and work without the feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed, you are more able to deal with daily stress triggers and meet challenges head on. Being organised allows you to constantly perform and deliver high quality work within set timeframes and is the key to student success.

Balancing the demands of a busy lifestyle is not an easy thing to do, but is best managed by regularly reviewing and assessing your priorities. So how can you get organised?

• Set goals around what you value highly,

• Manage your time effectively—review job activities, priorities and success factors,

• Create a boundary between balancing study and personal time,

• Build resilience and have a positive attitude,

• Avoid stress, mental exhaustion and burnout—fatigue affects your ability to work productively,

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle—look after yourself, eat well, sleep well and set aside a little time to exercise or pursue an activity that you enjoy,

• Enlist a good support system—we all need a little help sometimes.


Make a list identifying what assessment tasks you have during this term and their due dates

Create a monthly chart as a table in a word document and write in your assessment tasks in the due dates.
Schedule days you will focus on completing the task. For example you might schedule Monday afternoons for working on your English assessment in the weeks leading up to your assessment being due.
Save this as a picture and set it as your desktop background. Stick to this schedule, and watch your stress levels reduce and your quality of work heighten.


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