Year 12 can be tough, but we want you to be able to enjoy the year without the added stresses you put on yourself. The blog is designed for you to work on an activity/focus topic once a week, it should only take you no more than 20 minutes. This blog will help you with maintaining a sense of wellbeing by focussing on your own self management. Use this blog to get in the most productive head space and get organised to make year 12 the best year yet!

Positive Self-Talk

Being a positive learner is about the language you use when you talk to yourself.

Do you remember when you first learnt to ride a bike? Did you get it right away, or did it take a bit of falling down before you could ride? Now imagine your friend is trying to learn to ride a bike and falls down on their first attempt. They want to give up “it’s too hard, I couldn’t do it so I won’t ever be able to do it”. What would you say to them?

A lot of the time when we need to learn a new skill or concept we will struggle and fail at first. If we let our emotions rule us we can quickly become our own worst enemy. Unfortunately a lot of the time the go-to reaction is to talk yourself down. To really learn and grow as an individual you need to learn self-confidence. One way is to use positive self-talk, which is blocking out negative thoughts and feelings and thinking positively and optimistically. Simply changing how you think about something can make riding a bike seem as easy as walking around. Think “If I keep trying I will get better” rather than “I’ll make a mistake and fail”.

Being a positive self-talker is a lifelong skill that will boost your confidence, wellbeing and create opportunities for you to succeed in life.


1. Pick three activities that you could try - give the best and worst things that could happen.
One example is done for you.

I should try
The worst that could happen
The best that could happen
To ride a bike
I could fall off
I could learn the cool new skill of riding a bike!

2. List 3-4 examples of negative self-talk that could make you feel frightened of trying something new.

3. Now give the positive self-talk replacements for these examples.


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