Year 12 can be tough, but we want you to be able to enjoy the year without the added stresses you put on yourself. The blog is designed for you to work on an activity/focus topic once a week, it should only take you no more than 20 minutes. This blog will help you with maintaining a sense of wellbeing by focussing on your own self management. Use this blog to get in the most productive head space and get organised to make year 12 the best year yet!

PUNCTUALITY vs Procrastination

Procrastination: “the challenge of accomplishing tasks on time. Putting off school work to the last minute increases stress and makes completion of assignments harder to do well or even do at all.”
Punctuality: “is the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time.

Procrastination gets the better of us all at one stage or another but the key is to not let it take over and not let it become a habit. Procrastinating takes us away from the task at hand and can distract us in any form for example Facebook, youtube videos, watching tv, reading a book and even cleaning the house. Putting off things you need to do will later become stressful and will start affecting your health. It will also damage your wellbeing and start affecting not only school but home life and can then carry into your work life. As you would have noted from the above video it is not a productive habit that you want to keep, but how do you know if you are a serial procrastinator?


Tick the boxes that relate to you. If you get more then 3 you’re a serial procrastinator.

  • You get up late
  • Anytime is your bed time
  • You are getting addictive
  • When it’s too hard you give up
  • You never keep promises to yourself
  • You envy hard workers
  • You have a messy room/workplace
  • You are easily stressed
  • You focus on non-essential schoolwork instead of what needs to get done
  • Setting another time or date for things that need to be done
  • Unnecessary eating


Bring Your Challenges has a fun interactive quiz for you to take and it will tell you exactly what type of procrastinator you are!!

So what do you do if you are spending all your time neglecting work and watching cat videos on youtube. Well you need to start small set your goals like you have done in the previous weeks and stick to them. If you don’t know where to start, start really simple – Finish reading 5 paragraphs of a book and walk away come back and do another 5 and so on. Set the goals, achieve them and become punctual instead of a procrastinator.


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